Reading University

About the Program

What is Reading University?
Reading University is a three-week summer program intended to increase the literacy skills of children in Grade 3 who are not yet reading at grade level.
Q: Can all Grade 3 students attend?
 Students are referred by their Grade 3 teacher  using the following criteria #1.They are reading at instructional level J, K, L or M on the Fountas & Pinnell Scale which is just below grade level   #2. They have scored in the "At risk" level in the provincial CC3 Test administered in May Regular Words (20-30) Irregular Words (10-30) NON words ((15-20)
Q: My child will be away for the first (or last) couple of days of RU. Is this OK?
No, unfortunately it is not OK. Students are expected to attend every day of the 15 days of RU. Every day has been planned for maximum reading intervention - every day is important.
Q: Should I send lunch and snacks with my child?
Lunches and snacks are provided. However, if your child has special dietary considerations, you are welcome to send along food from home.
Q: Will my child be sitting down reading all day?
 Students will be moving with their assigned groups to 10 different 30-minute learning stations each day where they will experience 10 different facets of the learning process.
Q: Is there a cost to parents for this program?
Actually, no! In addition to being beneficial to children struggling with literacy, Reading University is an excellent example of community partnerships – local organizations working together for the long-term benefit of children and society. The four major partners are the Northwestern Polytechnic, the Grande Prairie Public School Division, Grande Prairie Catholic School Division and Peace Wapiti School Division. Many other community organizations, families and businesses support Reading University with generous donations of time, goods, and funds.
What does Reading University do in the offseason?
Throughout the year, our team of dedicated individuals devotes countless hours within the community promoting Reading University and looking for support. BBQ fundraisers, a golf tournament  and Pie Throwing contests are just a few of the fun ways we show our community we love to read!

Contact Us
Phone: 780-882-3184
Donate or Sponsor: 780.513.6095